External Link - Client Come Back But Course Re-Started

Aug 31, 2011

Hello to all,

I have a client who is using Firefox 6.0 with our Moodle 2.0.4 LMS.  He is having a problem where if he clicks a hyperlink that goes to an external website, when he closes that new window the course has re-started.  It's almost like the course page has re-freshed.

Has anybody seen this before?

Many thanks,


4 Replies
Dave Newgass

Justin Wilcox said:

Hi Dave,

I honestly have never seen that before. Are you able to duplicate that?

Hey Justin,

I am still not able to replicate it......

I have submitted a support case and am still working with it.  It's really strange.  I get some weird ones!

I am also on the Moodle Forums trying to look for direction in case it's a Moodle thing.  I suspect that it is a browser issue as it did not act up for me and nobody else has come to me with this concern.

The beat goes on!



Lisa Knight

I have had the same problem.  I have hyperlinked to files in my LMS or on the internet. Once I successfully access these files if I close the tab of the hyperlinked item it then throws the user to the launch page again in a different window.  This happens in Google.  It appears that the launched Articulate file is actually still open but this is obscure as it is accessed in another web browser window. ie it is not intuitive and someone might think they've been thrown out if they didn't know where to access the other window. Phew - hope that makes sense!

Any tips on how to direct users so they don't think their module has to be restarted each time???

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