How do I get all of the unhidden slides to appear in lesson menu?

Jul 22, 2011

Bravest of e-learning heroes:

I'm sure there has to be an easy way for ALL of my unhidden slides to appear in the lesson menu (even the ones marked level two) from the beginning of the lesson. I'd like to do this to make it as easy as possible for learners to go back and review content.

Thanks so much. -- Daniel Brigham

6 Replies
Brian Batt

Hi Daniel,

Articulate Presenter '09 does not currently support automatically collapsing levels in published presentations.  If you would like to suggest this feature, please use the following Feature Request Form to direct your request to our product development team:

You may be able to use the method described in the following blog article to automatically collapse levels in your published presentations:

Please be aware that this method is not supported by Articulate.

Daniel Brigham

Hi, Brian:

Actually, I don't want to collapse anything in the menu; I just would like all of my slides to appear in the menu, even the ones marked level 2. Currently, I must have a setting that is hiding my level 2 slides.. Do you know how I get all the slide titles to appear so that if a learner wants to go back to a slide, he/she can?

Here are some of the settings I have selected now:

User navigation is free...

Automatically scroll to keep up with presentation...

Expand level when the user reaches heading...

Levels can be expanded...

Thanks so much. --Daniel

Thanks so much. --Daniel

David Burton


I feel we are missing each other here. To clarify, you have some slides set at level 2 in the Slide Properties manager and none are hidden, but when you publish and navigate to one of the level 2 slides there is not title for the slide in the outline and the slide at this level is not displayed?

If you are looking for a way to have all of the parent levels open up to reveal all all of the child level slides and when the presentation starts, this is not possible and would be considered a feature request. Child slides/levels will only reveal themselves when the Parent slide is reached. As noted by your post above, this behavior is controlled through the Player Templates --> Navigation Tab --> Levels Section.

I hope this helps!

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