No sound in old (v5) course

Feb 24, 2011

I'm trying to resurrect a course that I created 3 years ago.  The course plays, but there's no sound.   I've checked and done the Flash 10 upgrade, but that had already been done.  Is there something else that would have caused the SWF files to go silent?   Any ideas appreciated   Note I think the original source files are lost -- otherwise I'd just rebuild it in Articulate 2009.

Thanks!  Dan

5 Replies
Adrian Gates

Have you tried watching it on an older OS, older flash player or older browser? I remember I had a lot of courses (not necessarily Articulate) have a similar problem when they moved from XP to Vista, since Vista stopped supporting the ACELP audio codecs. Not sure if that could be your issue exactly, but testing with the environment the course was designed for would help you figure out if the files had been corrupted or if there are compatibility issues with the new web environment.

Justin Wilcox

I took a look at this presentation and you are right that there is no audio recorded in this presentation. In fact there is no audio in the SWF files which can only mean that this particular presentation was published without audio. I do see that the duration of what appears to be previous audio is still in the slides, however this presentation must have been published while there was  a disconnect between the PowerPoint file and the project folder.

Unfortunately I think that the only way you would actually be able to fix this is if you have the source project files and reconnect the PowerPoint with the project folder:

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