No Submit button in quiz upgraded to Articulate Studio 360

Feb 19, 2021

Hi, I've upgraded a presentation with a quiz at the end from Studio 13 to the trail version of Studio 360, and the Submit button is missing from the quiz. You can't advance beyond the first question since there's no way to submit your answer. Everything else looks ok. Any ideas on how to fix this?

5 Replies
Ren Gomez

Hi Margaret,

When you edit your quiz in Quizmaker 360, do you have the option selected in your Player to Submit one question at a time? This is the default and should allow you to see the Submit button on the player.

If this doesn't help, feel free to share your file with our support team so that they can take a closer look!

Margaret Wiginton

Yes, if I preview the quiz in Quizmaker (with Quizmaker Player selected), I can see the Submit button. However, if I preview the slide that contains the quiz, using the Preview function on the Articulate ribbon, there is no submit button. When I published the course and uploaded to our LMS, the Submit button displays.