"Online presentations aren't supported"

Jan 23, 2020

I like keeping all of my development files in my OneDrive Folder. However, Articulate Presenter won't allow this as shown by the error msg below. Has anyone found a workaround? Are there any plans to fix this situation? Technically it is saved to my local drive: (C:\Users\wfindlay\projects\....)

Keeping everything in OneDrive makes it much easier to ensure every device has the files I need as a developer.

24 Replies
Katie Riggio

Hello there, Will!

Even though there is a OneDrive folder on your local drive, it looks to be synching up to the OneDrive network. Disabling the syncing or saving the files to another folder on the C: drive should do the trick.

Also, we've had a few folks run into the same error in Presenter '13. This article outlines the steps to publish an online presentation with Presenter.

I hear your use case, though, and submitted a feature request on your behalf so that we can take it under consideration. If we make changes to this area in the future, we promise to let you know.

As always, thank you for your insightful contributions!

Chris Woods

I am trying to develop a PPT as a storyboard before going into Articulate Storyline. Since my 360 Subscription also gives me access to Presenter/Characters, I'm trying to pull a few into the storyboard. However, I keep getting the message that "Online presentation aren't supported". I have saved the presentation to my C: drive on my desktop, and it still will not allow me to use Characters. What am I doing wrong? 

Will Findlay

Christopher, Is your desktop folder part of your synced OneDrive folder? If it is, that would be the cause.

  1. Right click on the OneDrive icon in your Windows taskbar.
  2. Click More...
  3. Click Open your Onedrive Folder.

If your desktop folder is in this folder, anything in it will be considered an "online file."

Chris Woods

Yes, it is being synced with One-Drive, but it is a local (C:Drive) file.
I turned Sync off to see if the issue resolved itself. It did not.
Is there a folder that I should be using that will create a "local" file?
By default everything but my system files/directories is backed up into One-Drive.



Christopher Woods
Product Training Specialist, ECS Learning Team
Arrow Enterprise Computing Solutions
Work - Mobile: 720.366.2587
Work - Desk: 303.824.6515

9151 E. Panorrama Circle
Centennial, CO 80112


Reply to "Online presentations aren't supported"

Will Findlay replied:

Christopher, Is your desktop folder part of your synced OneDrive folder? If it is, that would be the cause.

1. Right click on the OneDrive icon in your Windows taskbar.
2. Click More...
3. Click Open your Onedrive Folder.

If your desktop folder is in this folder, anything in it will be considered an "online file."


Will Findlay

You said, "but it is a local (C:Drive) file." That is correct, but it is a local (C:Drive) file that is being synced with OneDrive. This is considered an "online file" by Articulate. It doesn't help that the error message is inaccurate when it says "Save a copy to your local drive to continue." What Articulate really means is, "Save a copy somewhere on your local drive not syncing with OneDrive to continue." 

And this is the crux of the problem. You can't edit/modify PPTX files using Articulate if they are being backed up by OneDrive. This is very counterintuitive as most people naturally now want to back up everything, and OneDrive is the method of choice. It means having to store all of your Articulate presenter projects in a space on your Hard Drive that is vulnerable to being lost. (Or using another tool like SyncToy to make up for this). 

What you are saying is exactly why I want Articulate to fix this. I would also argue that If the file AutoSave is turned off, there is no reason that Articulate should prevent you from using Presenter. But Articulate just ignores this setting. I can understand how things might get messed up if your file is syncing (autosaving), but I really think Articulate could make an exception if you turn off AutoSave. 

Having said this (beware of rant), when was Presenter last updated anyway? Are there any resources dedicated to making updates to it now? I still use it frequently when I get a PowerPoint file with lots of animations I don't want to recreate by hand in Storyline. For presentations that don't have branching/high complexity it is still my tool of choice. But sometimes I wonder if that is a mistake because it seems like the orphaned older brother these days.

Will Findlay

To better answer your question: 

Is there a folder that I should be using that will create a "local" file?

Basically anywhere not being backed up by OneDrive. For example, you might have to go to your root C: drive and create a folder there if everything in your user profile is being backed up. C:\Projects for example.

Will Findlay

Also, to be fair, Articulate continues to make maintenance updates/bug fixes to Presenter. But the last major feature released for Presenter (that I count) was the addition of the Content Library in April 2019. That is definitely a significant one, but compared to Storyline it's been quite a while. I just wish it had things like "export to MP4" and the Modern Player as well as the ability to work with files in OneDrive desktop folders.

Chris Woods

Thank you. I can make that work.



Christopher Woods
Product Training Specialist, ECS Learning Team
Arrow Enterprise Computing Solutions
Work - Mobile: 720.366.2587
Work - Desk: 303.824.6515

9151 E. Panorrama Circle
Centennial, CO 80112


Kanika Singh

Like all others here, I back up my work constantly to OneDrive - that's fairly common and considering I work on courses that contain significant amount of work - it's important that I back up the files. 

According to this MS article, even though files are stored online/ on One drive, when we double click and open them, they become locally available i.e. they are downloaded to the local machine and are not on OneDrive anymore (not online files by definition). 


Despite the above, and after saving a copy of the presentation on my "Local" drive in c:\documents', and pausing OneDrive syncing - still seeing the 'Online presentations aren't supported error'. 

Since support for presentations stored on OneDrive doesn't seem to be coming any time soon, can you suggest a way to work around this problem?

Angela Keiser

I just got a new laptop and had this same issue (Articulate updates wouldn't even install on my old one anymore). This worked for me:


I followed these instructions to turn off automatic OneDrive backup. Then I opened my ppt presentation, saved it as a new file in the Documents folder, and was able to use the Articulate features in my ppt.

Manu Mittal

Hi Will Findlay

Did you get solution to your problem from Articulate. Its my first day on this software and I also came across the same problem mentioned by you. Its giving me a message, "Online Presentations are not supported. Save a copy to your local drive to continue".

Thank you for your attention.

Gwenn Ivester

I am very new to Articulate and it's products, but will soon be using it heavily for my new job.  Considering that OneDrive is so ubiquitous with Microsoft products such as PowerPoint and now also so integrated into Window File Explorer, it's unconceivable how you are supposed to use products efficiently and without extreme aggravation that do not support files that are saved locally but synced with OneDrive or vice versa, however you want to look at it.  

Laurese Montemayor

I am having the same problem with not being able to insert a character due to One Drive syncing by my company.    Not only am I not able to add a character, when I attempt to do so (even after pausing syncing)  Presenter locks and I can only close it through Task Manager.   

Please help us to use the product without unnecessary frustration.   
