Presenter 13 not working with iOS 9

Sep 08, 2016

We've run into issues where the slides won't appear and when prompted to resume or not no options show when launching content built with Power Point 2010 and Presenter 13 (with build v8.) Old versions of the iOS can play the content, resume works, and you can see the slides.  As soon as the device is upgraded to iOS 9 the presentation fails.  They have been published with html5 support.  The Articulate Player for mobile devices is not a viable option for us.

Presenter is completely up to date.  I republished the content after updating (to build v8.1607.2021), but it doesn't fix this issue.  We're in a real bind here and I'd love to find a fix.

8 Replies
Ali Goulet

Hi Eric- Welcome to Heroes, thanks for reaching out here! We did add support for iOS 9 in a recent update that made courses viewable for both the Articulate Mobile Player as well as the HTML5 output. Since you mentioned that you're running the latest update and still seeing the issue after republishing, would you be able to share your presenter package here so I can do some testing? You can add it as an attachment right to a comment on this thread. Also, what environment are you publishing for?

Peggy Dolin-Brunel

Hi Ali and all,  I get the same issue as described by Eric.  The content was originally published using Articulate presenter version 5 and then republished with version 8 (1607.2021). But it appears the older IOS version starting from 8.3 or lower works well. However, IOS versions from 8.4 or higher, the module does not work well. Unfortunately even after clearing the data from the Ipad, it does not work. Any ideas to solve this? Many thanks



Ali Goulet

Hey Peggy- Welcome to Heroes! Sorry you're hitting this snag, thanks so much for providing the details here. First, I'd recommend updating to the latest version of Studio, update 9 which you can download over here, and republishing your course. 

If that doesn't resolve it, there are a few other pieces of information I'd like to know to see if we can nail this down:

  • What issues specifically are you encountering when viewing on an iPad?
  • Are you viewing the course in the Articulate Mobile Player, or are you viewing the HTML5 output right in a browser window on the iPad?
  • Would you be able to share your project files for a course where these issues are occurring so I can do some testing? You can add your Articulate Package for the course as an attachment right to a comment in this thread. 

Keep me posted! :) 

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