Presenter ignores visibility of flash layers

Feb 08, 2012


I have been creating a Flash file, where you click on various items on the image and then an information box displays.

The information box is on the top layer of the Flash timeline, and is a movie clip with text and images inside it.

The movieclip is set to not visible when it is created in Flash.

When you click on an item, the text is dynamically updated and the clip is made visible. There is an OK button which makes it not visible.

This works perfectly in the orginal Flash SWF.

When imported into Presenter, the initial visibility is ignored, and the default information box is displayed. You can click on the OK button to hide it. Subsequently, clicking on the objects and the OK button hides / unhides the movieclip exactly as it should. 

How can I make Presenter use the initial visibility correctly?


Karl Manning


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