Published version different from Presenter

Feb 19, 2013

I have a new strange problem. I just completed a project and have been testing throughout. I'm using Engage (tabbed interaction) and Quizmaker. The project is finished and I published the final version and pieces are now missing from Engage Interactions in the published version. Often the missing piece is tab image, sometimes text is missing and one time all that was left of the text was the "Type your tab 1 text here." tab intro message.

I have the problem in both Preview and Publish, but the Presenter/Powerpoint version is looks correct. If I preview an Interaction, some interactions are missing pieces and some are fine and the same with Publish. When I leave the Preview or Publish and go back to the interaction in Presenter/Powerpoint, everything still looks OK.

Any ideas about what is happening?

9 Replies
Doyle Meyer

The DPI was still correct, so I went your next suggestion and uninstalled the Microsoft update  (KB2753842, restarted the computer, and republished the project. Preview then worked for all slides. All the missing text came back and about half the images. For some reason I decided to publish from within Engage on one of the Engage interactions. This fixed all the missing images. I had been just hoping what I did might fix the one that I published from within the Engage Interaction and that if it did, I would go back and do the rest of the damaged interactions. Instead, publishing one interaction from within Engage fixed all of them. ????

Does this make sense to you?

Peter Anderson

Great news, Doyle. Really glad to hear the text and images returned. 

I'll see if I can dig up a technical explanation as to why they all returned after one publish to what was just a portion of the greater project. Somewhere in the dark recesses of my coconut, it makes sense, but I'm struggling to articulate why. I'll ask around

Doyle Meyer

My next project has the same problem. It doesn't seem to be able to recognize a change when asked to publish. I tried the workaround (above) and this time is only works for the individual engage that is published from within the engage interaction. 

Did you confer with anyone about the issue? Is it possible my Presenter package is corrupted?

Doyle Meyer

I'm getting emails from several people. Let me summarize.

My primary issue is that I can’t get Quizmaker Email or Printresults to work consistently. Looking at the forums, there doesn't appear to bea solution to the Quiz Results problem that has been going on for at least a couple of years.

Tracking and testing is a critical function of training and itappears that Articulate does not care if that function works on the CD or Webversions of the software. If this reporting function does not work, I cannotuse Articulate and will need to move to another development platform. Thatwould be a great loss to me and I hope some loss to you.

It could easily be that I have some settings wrong in the browser,but the Articulate eLearning community does not seem to know what that mightbe. It would seem reasonable and prudent for Articulate tech support to providea step by step set of instructions about how to configure some of the commonbrowsers if the browser is the issue. I have been able to get IE9 to print reports, but never an email results with content. Chrome doesn't give me either email or print results.  While I have had difficulties with Firefox in the past, at the moment it will connect with MS Outlook and provide an email report with content and provide a printable web page. (It would make more sense to me if it instead printed the report on a default printer.)

A new (new) problem is that Publish does not seemto work consistently any longer. When I Publish from the Articulate/Publish;Articulate doesn't seem to recognize any changes I have made to thepresentation. A couple of days ago changes did not show up in the Publishedversion until I went in and Published from within any Engage interaction. I conferred withPeter Anderson through the forum about this issue and he did not have asolution. On a whim, I opened an Engage interaction and published from inside the interaction - This action fixed caused all the interactions to update and publish correctly. Yesterday I had the same problem and when I published from withing an Engage interaction, it fixed that one, but not the rest. (Do I have a corrupted copy of Articulate?)

Today I published from Presenter/Articulate/Publish and thePublished version changed the background colors to the colors of the latestproject I am working on. I had used an older and existing template on the newproject without any changes. When I looked at the Player Template in Articulate/Publish/Player Tempate, the correct template was selected; however when I looked at the template in Presenter/Player Template, it was not the correct template. When I changed it back and republished, the colors were correct. A Puzzle. 

Please Help!!!!!

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