Publishing a ppt diaporama with animations

Feb 06, 2013

 Hello community !

 Here's my issue : I've created a ppt diaporama that contains lots of buttons, action buttons, animations, triggers, sounds... and so forth.

 It's a replica of a fire alarm pannel. When I start my ppt diaporama, a sound occurs, and some buttons flashes. When I click specific buttons, some lights stop flashing, some sound stops, some buttons appear and other dissapear.

I tried publishing my ppt diaporama, but I can't seem to be able to make it work.

Is it possible to "use" my ppt slide through Articulate ?

If so, how ?

I've checked the tutorials, attented the webinar session and read the forum, but still didn't find what I was looking for... I'm in desperate need of your help.

I've included a sample of the ppt I use. The buttons that are working are "Alarme", "Arrêt vibreur". The buttons "Remise" and "Arrêt cloches" are available only after 30 sec...


Nick Perron

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