Resize the Studio 13 player

Oct 30, 2013

Since we are not able to collapse the sidebar without losing the logo, is it possible to increase the viewing size of the Studio 13 player? If so, how?

1 Reply
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Kimberly, 

You can change the size of your slides and customize your Presentation further following this tutorial. 

The overall size of your published output will be slightly larger than the dimensions you choose for the presentation size. That's because the player (the interface that surrounds your slides) adds some width and height. Depending on the features you choose, the player adds up to 260 pixels to the width and up to 118 pixels to the height, which you'll want to keep in mind in regards to how your users will view the content. To learn how to customize your course player, see this tutorial.

I'd also recommend changing your presentation size before you add any content. Otherwise, you may need to resize or rearrange objects in your presentation to accommodate its new size.

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