SCORM Warnings

Mar 30, 2012

Get the following message from SCORMCloud when uploading Articulate created SCORM 2004 packages:

"The Sequencing Control Mode 'Flow' was detected on a leaf node, but is only applicable to cluster nodes."

Something to worry about?

It doesn't seem to affect the lesson so the warning seems informational. But it might indicate a future problem.

14 Replies
Steve Flowers

Hey, Brian - 

Since the 2004 output of Presenter doesn't support sequencing structures (outputs are a single self-contained segment), I wouldn't worry about the error. If you know what you're looking for you can hand modify the xml to remove the flow attribute, but it shouldn't make a difference one way or another. 

Jamie Jewer

Hi Leslie,

Leslie McKerchie said:

Hi Jamie! What is the error that you are getting from SCORM Cloud? Could you share a screenshot? Or would you be able to share your zipped output so that I can try to duplicate your error?

Hi Leslie, it is the exact same message as Brian's above. "The Sequencing Control Mode 'Flow' was detected on a leaf node, but is only applicable to cluster nodes."

If I was to share a zip file with you - how would I get it to you privately?

Jamie Jewer

If you publish with SCORM1.2 instead of SCORM 2004, this message doesn't appear.

I've had a member of our technical team look at the SCORM 2004 manifest, and it seems that the manifest file may contain an error. This file is generated by Storyline on publish.

If you open the file and look for "" and delete the flow="true" portion of the statement (in both locations) within the file, the parser doesn't show this message anymore.

My question is this - does changing that setting affect anything else in the file, such as posting to the gradebook in Blackboard, etc.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Jamie and Keari,

It looks like Jamie submitted this as a feature request instead of a support case.  I did also find that our team has documented it, and within SCORM Cloud, it can safely be ignored and the course will behave as expected.  As for making the modifications to the published output, that's not something I can offer support for, but if the steps work for you on a test file than you may want to go ahead and use them going forward. 

Kathy Pickett

I had this message as well, but course does not seem to be reporting and functioning correctly in our LMS-- HealthStream.

The course has test questions scattered throughout after each content section. I want them to have two tries to pass with 80% minimum.  HealthStream and Articulate settings are for Pass/Fail.  If they fail the first time, a retry quiz button appears for a second try.  If they fail a second time, the retry button disappears and they have to have their supervisor ask me to reassign. They also need to be able to stop and start the course both times with course resuming to where they left off. (This happens frequently in healthcare when they are doing between patients). However, after publishing and testing in Healthstream… if they fail first time, and close out during their second attempt, the Orange HLC course failure notice comes up. The first time I stopped midway, the resume course option eventually came up, but no longer after stopping and starting again. The course disappeared and it looks like it was reported as failed and they are no longer able to access to complete their second try. It also looks like failure is being reported as completed in LMS which I do not want.  I have set for pass/fail in Articulate and in HealthStream. Would appreciate any ideas ASAP as this was supposed to go out last week.  Thanks!




Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Kathy,

I can't speak for the HealthStream specific settings - but if you've set up the variables and such in your .story file to control their attempts and enabled the resume behavior I would think this would work as expected - so I'd suggest to begin troubleshooting by testing in SCORM Cloud as it's an industry standard for testing LMS content. You may want to review this article with directions on how to go through the testing. 

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