Seekbar Duration 1 second out

Jul 21, 2011

I have a number of slides in my presentation where the duration in the seekbar is 1 second out when it reaches the end of that slide.

Does anyone know why this is happening and what I can do to rectify it?

The majority of slides are perfect. Slides without audio or animations are set to display for 5 secs.I have tried resyncing the slides on which the error occurs and inserting a blank slide and adding in the content, but it hasn't worked. The error is also occuring on a variety of screentypes, i.e. onscreen text only, animated text (on click) and flash movie onscreen.

3 Replies
Brian Batt

Hi Alice & welcome to Heroes,

Can you try the following for me?

1.  Go into the Articulate menu and select Audio Editor

2.  On the left, select one of the slides that is having the issue

3.  Go to the end of the audio for that slide

4.  Select some of the silence at the very end of the audio & delete it

5.  Click Save & Close

Sometimes, allowing the audio to regenerate itself and reset the timing structure typically resolves the issue.  

If you continue to have problems, please let me know.

Alice O'Shaughnessy

Thanks for that Brian - it worked! It looks like the seekbar 'rounds up' the total time, so on my 1st problematic slide, the audio file was 26.5+ seconds long, so Presenter rounded up the total time to 27. By shaving off a couple of milliseconds from the audio file in Audio Editor, it brought it below 26.5 seconds and therefore showed as complete at 26/26 rather than 26/27!

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