Upgrade from older version of Presenter

Jul 28, 2016

Once I upgrade a project from older version, in the new one (over Presenter '13) many of the text boxes appeared fill with color they had not have before.

I need to take out this color in the boxes. Not all the boxes appeared equally. 

Is there something related with the upgrade which I can change?What happened when upgrading to Presenter

1 Reply
Christie Pollick

Hi, Dario -- Thanks for your question and sorry to hear of your troubles! I can't say that I have seen this type of error reported before, so may I ask if you are seeing this when you Upgrade from Presenter '09 to '13? Or are you finding that this is taking place in files that were originally created in Presenter '13 and the color is appear when you try edit or update that content? May I also ask if can confirm that you are working locally as described here, and have you gone through the troubleshooting steps in this article to see if you find improvement? 

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