upgrade to 2010- shape effect and animation issues

May 21, 2012

I'm a 'beginner-level' user of the Articulate suite.  I started creating my ppt in a previous version of powerpoint (extension .ppt).  We had a system upgrade and I now have 2010.  This has created some issues I've not been able to resolve, maybe someone can give me some recommendations.

1.  Should I keep the file as ppt or save as pptx?

2.  When published and viewed in the articulate player, some objects automatically appear even when they are animated and should be 'on click'. 

3.  Objects with the glow effect have a very obvious and distinctive outline that is unsightly. 

4.  Sometimes the wipe animation works, other times it doesn't.

5.  I recorded and synced audio for some of the slides before realizing they weren't publishing out correctly.  Is there anyway to save those audio files or are they lost if I have to re-create the slide in 2010?


3 Replies
Peter Anderson

Hey Nicole!

What version of Office 2010 did you install? Those sound like issues that may be a result of either the 64-bit version or the Click-to-Run version. Microsoft released a 32-bit and a 64-bit version of Office 2010. Microsoft recommends installing the 32-bit version, and Articulate Presenter '09 will only work with the 32-bit version. Presenter '09 also will not work with the Click-To-Run version of PowerPoint 2010. For more information, please review this article.

If you've installed the 32-bit version, I'd recommend sending us your files so we can take a closer look at why you're experiencing those issues. Thanks!

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