Non Scoring Quiz in Quizmaker '13 cannot stop TRY AGAIN response

Jul 24, 2014

I have built a non-scoring quiz in Quizmaker '13 which I want users to be able to take unlimited times. (just got Articulate '13 was 09 user before) Made the scores '0' in each question and changed the scoring to '0' in Publishing.

I am using True/False which I have changed to Yes/No . . . whenever I make the Quiz allow unlimited tries or even 2 or 3 tries . . . the "TRY AGAIN" feature kicks in. I do not want the TRY AGAIN choice to trigger. I cannot figure out how to delete that TRY AGAIN to stop showing up. I just want the "That's right!" or the "That's wrong" to appear when the user selects an answer. The only thing that gets TRY AGAIN to go away is when I make the Quiz only 1 time try!

What can I do to make the Quiz unlimited and to stop the TRY AGAIN response from triggering?

Thank you,


3 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Jann!

If you do not want the user to 'try again', why would you want to set multiple attempts?

There are different places to set the number of attempts, and it sounds as if you are doing it per question:

If you do not want the try again layer to show up, you can specify the number of attempts for both pass and fail results. You can read more about that here.

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