Converting Storyline2 to MP4 using Replay?

Dec 01, 2015

I published a course in Storyline2 but now need it in MP4 or .WMV format in order to present it (with the audio narration) in a WebEx. Can I use Replay to do this? If so, how? If not, does anyone have other suggestions?



4 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Rod!

Yes, you could use Replay to do so. I would advise publishing the course and recording yourself going through the course to record the screen and publish to MP4 utilizing Replay.

You could also record using Storyline after it's published and export the screen recording to MP4.

If the audio is in the course, you may want to take a look at this thread (and Steve's solution) to be sure that you record the internal audio vs the microphone.

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