Actual length of the video is not shown accurately on timeline

Jul 12, 2023

Dear Community,

I use the trigger "pause video" pretty often to stop for a few seconds and focus on the area I am indicating with an arrow. However, this paused time is not added on the length of the video on the timeline. So once I use a "pause video" trigger (for 2-3 seconds), it is such a pain to follow the timeline, thereafter. In example, lets say I have a video length of 26secs. I use a pause trigger for 3 seconds, now my video is 29 seconds but on the timeline it is still 26secs. Adding another pause on the same video is very difficult. I literally have to use a calculator to add up the 2.78 seconds, to hit the right frame to pause next.. 

Also, another issue is, when I use timeline preview, and I have a "pause video" trigger, the trigger never works, the video never stops. So, I have to preview the whole slide to see the pauses and I have to wait 2-3 minutes to reach that part of the slide. Can you please provide me suggestions?   

1 Reply
Walt Hamilton

Don't pause the video, pause the timeline (eg. pause timeline on this slide when animation ends on arrow, or right after the arrow appears). Pausing the timeline pauses everything on the slide, and doesn't throw later timing off.

If waiting two or three minutes to preview bothers you, you can save a lot of time by cutting the video (takes a couple of minutes in MSPhoto, maybe even less in a dedicated video editor) into manageable chunks, and playing each one on different slides. Advance without transition when media ends, and the learner can't tell the difference. Or advance slide when learner indicates they are through with "focus moment".  Saves a LOT of time and frustration.