Annoying warning in Chrome when running the course

Mar 31, 2017


We published a course using SL 2 with the following settings:

* Not selected ‘Include HTML5 output’ option
* Selected the following checkboxes
* Use Articulate Mobile Player for iOS or Android
* Allow downloading for offline viewing
* Published for LMS – SCORM 1.2

But when this course was viewed on Absorb LMS, the client is receiving following error
"This course is not fully compatible with your current device. You may encounter problem with some lessons." (see attached)

Note, I tested this using Chrome (57.0.2987.110) and was able to replicate the warning, but was able to launch and complete the course without any issue. Not getting this issue when using IE 11 or Firefox, though on Firefox the Flash plugin crashes when I try launching the course (matter to be discussed some other day)

Thoughts  on why this could be happening? Its more of an irritant than a show-stopper. Thanks.


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