Articulate Icons

Feb 21, 2017

Hi All

I wondered if someone might be able to point me in the right direction?

I wanted to use the attached timeline interaction slide, but change the icons on the makers.  

I like the style of icon and the colour (white) but just wanted that to change to something more appropriate for the project i am doing.

Would anyone know where I could get these or similar icons.  Just to say i want to be able to put the icon on the marker.

Many thanks


1 Reply
Alyssa Gomez

Hi Lenny, welcome to the community!

Articulate has built-in icons that can be used with Markers or Buttons, and the color of both of those options can be customized to your design. If you're looking for an icon that isn't included in either of those sets, I'll defer to the community for their recommendations!




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