Audio added to Storyline is sped up

Jun 03, 2022

Hello! I had someone record some audio for a module. During playback it's sped up and I am unable to revert back to the original. Is there a way to do this Storyline?

I tried using audacity to adjust the speed but it changed the tempo and pitch as well. 

2 Replies
Maria Costa-Stienstra

Hi, Ana.

Thank you for reaching out!

While not currently a feature in Storyline, we have a feature request logged to allow the course author to edit audio speed.

I will update this discussion if I have any news to share or if this request makes it to our feature roadmap. 

In the meantime, I look forward to the suggestions our community members will share with you. You can also try the "Change Tempo" feature in Audacity, instead of changing the speed.