Audio files in Storyline 1

Aug 19, 2016

I recently started working with audio files in storyline, at first I was able to see the audio wave on the time line and move it across the time line. Now, more recently when I add an audio file and add a trigger to it (i.e. play media when button is clicked) it locks the audio file the the beginning of the timeline and I can no longer see the wave visual. This makes it hard to set interactions on the slides that need to have audio as well. 

Is there a fix for this? Or am I doing something incorrectly?

I am using .wav files. 

I have attached a picture to try to show what I am talking about. 

Any help with this issue is greatly appreciated. 

Thank you.

3 Replies
Christie Pollick

Hi, Melissa -- Thanks so much for reaching out here and sorry for your troubles! May I ask if you have tried importing the file in to a new file to see if you find improvement? If issues persist and you continue to have troubles, you are welcome to share your file with our team privately via this form for additional review. 

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