Background Audio Cool Trick

May 23, 2016

Hi All,

Just wanted to share a way to add audio across all slides in Storyline 2 There are a few posts on here about this, and I found this method to be super simple.

**Please note that this is just a cool trick, and not a built in feature of Storyline 2.

Publish your course, open the story.html file with Notepad, scroll to the bottom and add this code

<audio src="YOURAUDIOHERE.mp3" preload="auto" autoplay loop></audio>  with a space before the </body> and place your audio file into the published output folder and there you go. That is it.

Here is an example,  and the output folder is attached.

Have fun!

Pinned Reply
Luciana Piazza

Hello, Everyone! ✨

I'm happy to share that we have released a new update for Storyline 360 (Build 3.79.30834.0).

In this update, we have an enhancement where:

As a first stepI recommend updating Storyline 360 to the latest version. Here's how:

Update Authoring Apps

If you have any questions, please let us know in this thread or privately in a support case.

Have a great day! 

281 Replies
Ioulía Kornberg

Hey Owen,

Thanks for the instructions (and I love that you created it as a walk-thru using Rise)!

I actually worked with Math Notermans (from Sweden!) to get it working.  And using his steps, I created my own "How To" document which I'm attaching here for anyone who needs it.  I haven't compared it to your steps yet to see if they're the same, but my course is up and running! :-) WOOT!

Oh - and mine is published to an LMS and it DOES work on a mobile device! 

Sablaya Mayo


I am developing a course for a client and she asks me to sound a LOOP throughout the course, except for the first slide and it is an intro and has its own sound and the last slide has its own sound ... now, the file. what he gave me is a 7-second mp3 and he wants the whole course to be repeated ... and that within the course there is a button to pause / play music since it is independent from the voice of a narrator that sounds on each slide.


Sablaya Mayo


I am developing a course for a client and she asks me to sound a LOOP throughout the course, except for the first slide and it is an intro and has its own sound and the last slide has its own sound ... now, the file. what he gave me is a 7-second mp3 and he wants the whole course to be repeated ... and that within the course there is a button to pause / play music since it is independent from the voice of a narrator that sounds on each slide.



When you say "it doesn't work", could you be more specific? There are multiple solutions in this thread so it would be helpful to know which one you tried. Also, which version of I.E. are your learners most likely using? Additionally, which version of StoryLine are you using?  Did you try the instructions here: ?


Are you trying to replicate this exact sample? There is a LOT of custom work modifying the player. If this is one of the client's samples, the best place to start would be with the .story file and the published output. Chances are, there is a custom CSS document or post publish customizations made to the generated css documents.


I think I misunderstood your request. I don't see JavaScript being executed at all in your file. I'm not the expert at manually adding the code outlined in this thread (and I'm not a fan of it either... lol) so I couldn't really say what is going wrong in your post publishing production. If you want to try the JavaScript method, let me know. If you are using it and I'm just not seeing it, point me to where it is located in your file.