Basic tutorial - making quizes vid

Apr 17, 2015

Hi all. New to this.

In the create a quiz using freeform tutorial, it says you CAN, but doesn't say how, to change the dialog box. I can go to the layer and change the button and both pieces of text, but if I want the big grey box to be yellow, I can't see where to select it. The only work around I can see is to hide it by making a new box on top of it, but that seems really kludgy.

Thanks - Steve

7 Replies schatz

Thanks to both. It's getting closer, but still not there. Here are a few attachments.

In regular view, I can't select the dialog.

In master view, I still can't select the dialog, but it DOES disappear if I check "hide background graphics". But, if I try to format the background, I can't.

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