Basing completion on viewing a particular slide

May 21, 2012

Calling all superheroes

It is possible to base completion on number of slides viewed. Is there a way to base completion on viewing a particular slide? I have a non-linear module and using number of slides viewed won't actually reflect that they have visited each section. I could use a Yes/No multiple choice question to track the completion but I was hoping that upon reaching a particular slide (accessed using  state changes) I cuold then pass to the LMS that the course has been completed.

Appreciate anyone's assistance



42 Replies
Jeanette Brooks

Great, Blair! I should also mention: if it bugs you to use that Continue button on your slide, you could also work around that... like, you could move it off the slide stage and create a trigger to automatically change its state to Selected when the slide timeline starts, and even submit the interaction automatically via trigger as well... there are lots of ways to slice & dice it. Anyway, I'm glad you at least have some food for thought and I'm sure you'll run with it and get the output you want. Have a nice night!

Justin Pille

I'm trying to do something similar, but I want to base completion on viewing many specific slides. Is there a way to track which slides have been viewed rather than how many? Is it possible to apply the above technique to about 75 different slides that are already built, and have them report to a single results slide?

Jeanette Brooks

Hey Justin, Storyline does allow you to track based on number of slides viewed, but there's not really a way to stipulate WHICH of the slides the learner has to view in order to be considered complete. However, I think you could use Blair's method above to do what you have in mind. Here's how I'd do it:

So to sum up:

  1. On each of your "required" slides, Insert an off-screen button called Viewed on the slides that you want to require. 
  2. Convert the slide to a freeform Pick One question. 
  3. Turn off feedback on the question. 
  4. Create a trigger that automatically changes the state of the Viewed button to Selected when the timeline starts. This just means it marks the "question" correct as soon as the learner gets there. This is how we'll keep track of whether or not they viewed that slide.
  5. Change the slide properties to omit the Submit button and turn on the Prev/Next buttons. That way the learner just sees the usual player controls rather than the Submit button, so they won't know that the slide is actually a quiz question. 
  6. Insert a result slide that tracks each of your required slides. You can turn off all features on the Result slide if you want, so that it doesn't look like a result slide, but learners will need to reach that result slide in order for data to be sent to your LMS.

Sample file's attached below.

Yale Cohen

In your example, you used the Survey type result slide. Is that recommended with the "Pick One" method? Should the process work the same with the Blank Slide type of Result Slide? I'm having a problem getting this process to work with our system which has worked fine in the past using a T/F question in Quizmaker, where we hide the second option (False) to simulate what you are suggestion with the Pick One/Freeform approach.



Jeanette Brooks

Hi Yale - Your course will transmit the same result data to your LMS regardless of which style of result slide you use. (The different styles, such as Survey, or Blank, are really just there so that you can control what data you want to show to the learner.) If you're having trouble with the reporting side of things, you might want to insert a graded result slide for now (for testing purposes) just to see if the scoring and behavior is acting the way you want when learners reach the results. If it's not, you might need to check the behavior of the triggers on your slides. If things look fine on the result slide but your LMS doesn't seem to be receiving or reporting the data you expect, I'd recommend taking a look at this article

Danny Blais

What worked for me was using a slide trigger when the timeline started. execute the following JavaScript


 If you are using  LMS I believe Status is used and by setting status to completed on timeline starts then as soon as the user reaches that slide the status is set to complete and all is fine.

Helen Tyson

Would you be able to do this using variables?

For example, have a T/F variable on each of the specific trackable slides that is adjusted at the end of the timeline of the slide. Then also have a trigger such as Danny suggests that checks each of these variables and submits the result when all the variables are 'True'

Shane Hickey

Danny Blais said:

What worked for me was using a slide trigger when the timeline started. execute the following JavaScript


 If you are using  LMS I believe Status is used and by setting status to completed on timeline starts then as soon as the user reaches that slide the status is set to complete and all is fine.

Thanks Danny - this is exactly what I needed!

Angela Cisternino

I have been having major issues with either our LMS or my course structure. When a User runs through our course, the status in the LMS is Incomplete. I was advised that it is most probably because I did not have a quiz component in my couuse - so I added in a T/F slide and made is look like a 'declaration' slide where the User was asked to click Yes (true = correct answer) to decalre that they have read and understood the training.We tested this is SCROM Cloud, and the result came back as Complete. However, the LMS is still showing Incomplete with this new version. I have now added in another trigger, as per a suggestion above, to Execute JavaScript SetStatus("complete").  Is is ok to have two types of triggers to the one slide - submit interaction and execute JavaScript?

I will Publish this and test it in my LMS.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Angela and welcome to Heroes! 

If the course is working as expected at SCORM Cloud, you may want to share those results with your LMS team. Also, I'd look into the tracking method you're using to track your course - either by slides viewed or a results slide. Here is a great article on troubleshooting common LMS issues. 

Jay Sprout

My idea is creating a trigger that executes SetStatus to Completed if all of the required variables are true. My new question is about Ashley's response saying the completion/tracking should still be based on slide visits. My concern is that I don't care (that sounds harsh, doesn't it?) how many slides they visit--if the user doesn't complete the exercises (toggling the variables to "true") they don't get credit for course completion ... but if they do complete the exercises (even if, hypothetically, they didn't look at most of the slides), they must get course completion. Does that make sense?

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