5 Replies
Math Notermans

What i find confusing in your drag&drop is that you donot see how and where to drop...no real dropareas. Also i notice that all items only can dropped either in the list on the left or in the trashcan, so not really possible to do anything wrong... you cannot drop anything wrong..

As for your question i will find a solution for that ;-) Might need some javascript though.

Oswald Zöllner

Hi togethert, thank you for answering. I don't really have a poblem with the drag and drop issue. I want to have the two drop targets to blink for a short time, when the learner hovers over the arrows and II want that the objects fades out and don't disapear at once if I drop it on the drop target. With Java, I'm not familiar. There are some descriptions how to make an object to blink, but I have no clou how to start it at the moment when the user hovers over. The same is with the topic "fade out". I know how to make the animation, but I don't know how to start at the moment, when the user drops the item on the target.