Blurry Notes text in the player - Storyline 2

Oct 17, 2014

FIXED! On 5/5/2016, Articulate Storyline 2 Update 8 was released, which essentially fixed this issue. You can download the latest version of Storyline 2 at this link. New issues:

  • If your Notes tab in the player is first or the only tab, the slide title may run into the Notes text. This can be fixed by either adding a line/paragraph break at the beginning of the notes on each slide (approx. 2-3 sec. per slide to fix) or by moving the Notes tab so that it's not first. 
  • Also the dividing line between the slide title and notes in the Notes tab may cut through the title. This line can be "removed" by modifying the Player Colors>Transcript>div element to match the background color (Menu>bg)

My team is experiencing the following problem with all projects in Articulate Storyline 2. In the Player, the Menu text is crisp and clear, but the Notes text is noticeably blurry. The low text quality looks like the anti-aliasing is out of control. This phenomenon occurs in projects that are upgraded from Storyline 1 and in projects that are newly created in Storyline 2. 

To demonstrate the issue more clearly, I created a project in Storyline 1 with identical slides that have a different 12-pt font in the Notes area. As you can see in this demo, the Menu and Notes text are both equally crisp and clear. I then opened that same exact project in Storyline 2, which automatically upgraded it. As you can see in this demo, the Notes text in the published output is noticeably blurry / fuzzy. I have also attached both Storyline project files in a zip archive.

Other things I've tried that had no effect:

  • Updating Storyline 2 - We're running the latest version that was released on Oct. 3, 2014.
  • Changing the player display properties to be resize the browser to the optimal size and to lock the player at the optimal size.
  • Using the Clear Formatting icon
  • Trying larger and smaller font sizes.

I'm getting push-back from clients about this noticeable difference in the published output, so any help to get this resolved will be helpful.

124 Replies
Udi Gilboa

Hi all,

I was discussing this issue with Justin Wilcox, Director of Technical Support at Articulate. Justin's latest response provided 06-Mar-2015:

Thanks for the email and we are certainly aware of the thread. We do have this issue with our QA team who will be working with our development team to see what we can do in a future release. Unfortunately I can't provide you with a specific time frame or if this issue will actually be addressed in a future release. 

Bottom line, this issue may never be fixed by Articulate. We keep our project at SL1 with no other choice at hand.

Keep up the pressure, hopefully it will force Articulate to resolve this issue.

Best Regards,



Udi Gilboa

Hi all,

I was discussing this issue with Justin Wilcox, Director of Technical Support at Articulate. Justin's latest response provided 06-Mar-2015:

Thanks for the email and we are certainly aware of the thread. We do have this issue with our QA team who will be working with our development team to see what we can do in a future release. Unfortunately I can't provide you with a specific time frame or if this issue will actually be addressed in a future release. 

Bottom line, this issue may never be fixed by Articulate. We keep our project at SL1 with no other choice at hand.

Keep up the pressure, hopefully it will force Articulate to resolve this issue.

Best Regards,


Udi Gilboa

Hi Kristi,

Is there any progress? apparently not. Unfortunately, the whole Storyline users community are all sharing the same problem. We are all stuck with SL1 and cannot progress to the next release.

See my post just above yours. According to Storyline, they will probably never fix this.

As already said, keep the pressure. Maybe they will be convinced to fix it for the benefit of all.

Best Regards,


Udi Gilboa

Hi Gary,

I approached the highest level at Articulate. I repeat my post from 23-Mar-2015:

I was discussing this issue with Justin Wilcox, Director of Technical Support at Articulate. Justin's latest response provided 06-Mar-2015:

Thanks for the email and we are certainly aware of the thread. We do have this issue with our QA team who will be working with our development team to see what we can do in a future release. Unfortunately I can't provide you with a specific time frame or if this issue will actually be addressed in a future release. 

Articulate CEO was also copied on the above communication but did not respond.

Unfortunately, it seems this issue will never be fixed.

Is there any higher level at Articulate I can approach with this problem?

Udi Gilboa

Sure Carla, we all do...

We are "celebrating" 7 months since Justin Wilcox, Director of Technical Support at Articulate last reply (on 06-Mar-2015):

Thanks for the email and we are certainly aware of the thread. We do have this issue with our QA team who will be working with our development team to see what we can do in a future release. Unfortunately I can't provide you with a specific time frame or if this issue will actually be addressed in a future release.

Apparently, Articulate are not planning to resolve this - keeping a large users community frustrated and unable to move to Version 2.0. 

Udi Gilboa


I am sure there are many users impacted by this problem who do not  report it on this blog. All these users are "stuck" with Articulate version 1 and cannot upgrade to version 2 or any future release. If Articulate is interested, I am sure you can issue a patch to version 2 which will fix this issue. It sis just a matter of putting the required effort. Keeping your installed base customers happy is not less important then gaining new customers.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Udi,

It's been shared with our QA team, and they'd be the ones to determine how or if it's something we'll fix in an update to Storyline 1 (currently on Update 10). We've shared this thread and connected cases with them and continue to keep them updated. 

Once I have additional information to share we'll be sure to do so here. 

Belen Ferrer

Hi Ashley,

I think you meant Storyline 2 (currently on Update 7), because the Notes tab is only blurry in SL2, not SL1.

I believe Udi brought up SL1 because developers who use the Notes tab to make courses accessible can only work in Storyline 1 due to the blurry notes issue. It's certainly true for my team.


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