Blurry Screenshots when Publshing to Word

May 29, 2014

I'm having issues with blurry screenshots when I publish to Word. They look fine in the Player, but when they show up in Word, they are fuzzy. I've tried using different screen resolutions for the Screen Recordings, but regardless of the size, the screenshots in the published Word document show up fuzzy. Any suggestions on how I can get clear screenshots when Publishing to Word?

30 Replies
Emily Blackmore

Hi Ashely,

Thanks for the quick response! Are you talking about Publish Quality under Properties on the Web tab of the Publish dialogue box? I've tried turning the Image quality up to 100%, and the quality of the Word images stays the same.

Great question. Actually, every slide shows up blurry in the Word printout.

I doubled checked for updates, and I've already installed update 5.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Emily,

Within publish to Word, there is an option to change the image screenshot size as shown here:

 Thanks for also confirming you were on Update 5, as there was a fix included in update 4 to help with the blurriness - but I do see another user has reported the issue recently with some blurriness in publish to word. Do you have a .story file and/or some screenshots I could take a look at and then add to the existing QA report if it seems to match? 

Laura Fast

Not trying to horn in on the discussion, but this is what I get when publishing that same slide as above to Word, even selecting the "large" option. There is a definite "shadowing" that occurs:


The blurriness is definitely worse when the font size is smaller. With the "medium" option it's pretty much unreadable (this is "large").


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Laura,

Where did you take the first screenshot from? Any chance you could share the original .story file so that we could take a look at how the original .story file looking in editing, preview, and publish to web? You can share it here in the forums or I can let you know how to send it to me directly, and as always you can connect with our Support engineers. 

Laura Fast

Hi Ashley - the first screen shot I took (using Windows Snip-it tool which gives a pretty accurate rendering) when I logged into our website as a "student" and launched our course from our LMS. So it's exactly as a student sees it, here's the entire look. I'd be happy to send you a file directly and also to enroll you as a student so you can see it published through the LMS if you will let me know how to do so.

Nadine Helm


I am experiencing the same problem as what Emily had logged in the original post here.

My scenario is:

I use ASL to record the screen while I am navigating through a program (software simulation) and then do an slide-by-slide insert which gets captioned in order to explain each step. these stories are usually layer-less and limited to one screen shot per page with applicable brief explanations.

I recently upgraded to ASL 2 and re-recorded one of my projects to see if I could see any improvement on the word output, but still fuzzy and very small - even if I select large slides prior to publish.

Suggestions or advice please?

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Nadine,

Thanks for sharing the pdf here of your publish to Word output. Was this version in SL 2 or SL1? I know that SL2 included a number of updates to the way we handle text including how it appears within the published output. If it's SL2, are you able to share a copy of that .story file as well so that I could share this with our QA team for some additional review? 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Nadine,

Thanks for sharing those here. I saw the same behavior as you mentioned in your file and in a new file I tested with some captions and additional text. I've shared this with our QA team to see if this is by design when publishing to Word as the text and elements are turned into images and placed within Word - or if it's considered to be a bug. I'll share any information here in the thread once it's available, but I don't have a time frame to offer in regards to hearing back. 

I did also publish it to Web just to compare the two, and the text is much crisper in that version and just wanted to share that link to your published output here. 

Nadine Helm

Hi Ashley

Thanks for the efforts! I agree - the output to Web is clearer as you say.

My work around in the meantime has been to record the screen simulation (view mode insert) and then export the recording to mp4 on the insert window, then attach the mp4 via resources. This means changing story design a bit, but the mp4 is way way clearer

If there is anything that can be done to the Word output, I owudl be really happy to hear - thanks for the submission to the QA's.



I took my screen captures in Articulate Storyline 2, Update 4: 1501.717.  When I print my slides to Word with medium or large screenshots the images a very blurry.  They look fine in the presentation but the print is nearly useless.  My screen resolution was set to 1024 x 768 when I recorded my screen so everything was clear and big.  Is there any way to get a crisper print without having to replace each screen shot one-by-one?  We're hoping to use the Word print out as a job aid for people to learn tasks.  We also want to use them for instructor's notes.  We were hoping the print to Word feature could replace Oracle's UPK tool that prints out crisp job aids so we could finally decide on one training application.


Thanks a bunch for your help. My team really likes the product and we're hoping to use it as our main training tool. So far biggest pain points are the size of the files and image quality of the prints.

I didn't realize that I could change the story size so I created a new test with the Story Size and screen resolution to 1024x768. Anything smaller was too difficult for viewing the course. I recorded at full screen. Unfortunately there was really no improvement in the Word file.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Ah, interesting so your screen size and recording size were different?  I'd always recommend using the same size for each for the clearest image - but depending on what you're recording, as you mentioned smaller may be too small to see anything. 

In regards to file size, are you talking about the .story file or the published output? If the .story file you may want to look at removing slide masters, images, extra scenes, or screen recordings that you're not using to reduce file size. If it's the published output you could change the quality of the publish settings to lower to help Storyline compress elements further - although that would impact things such as blurriness. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi TS,

That's the only method I have - but if you have access to another file sharing site such as Dropbox you could load the .story file up there and then share the link either here or through the case form for us to download it.

Also an FYI that replying via email includes your signature here as well so you're welcome to edit the post and remove that information if needed. 

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