Blurry text and images - SL3

Mar 13, 2019

Hi there,

I've updated SL3 to the latest version (Build 3.6.18134.0), however, when I do open a published version in Chrome, the text and images are blurry. The same published version works great in other browsers. As far as I know, this issue was fixed in the previous versions, but it appears again in this version. Hope you can do something here.

Note: I've tried to select the option the Player settings to "Lock player at optimal size", but it doesn't help.

Thanks in advance,

15 Replies
Erin Sawicki

Commenting to see if there are any updates on this issue.

I recently updated SL3 to Build 3.6.18134.0 and am experiencing the same problems with blurriness in Chrome. I also notice this fuzziness when previewing in SL3. The issue does not appear to be present when viewing the project in IE11, Edge, or FireFox.

Attached is a screenshot comparing my published files (the difference is best seen when you view the image at 100%). On the left you'll see the clear text when I published under build 3.4.15731.0. On the right you'll see the fuzziness that occurs when I publish under the latest build.

Ren Gomez
Hi Everyone,
Good news! We just released Update 7 for Storyline 3Here are the details.
It includes the fix we made in Storyline 360 that addresses an issue where text and images could be blurry when viewing a course in Google Chrome or Safari.
Please download the latest version and let us know if you have any questions, either here or by reaching out to our Support Engineers directly. 
Ren Gomez

Hi Katina,

I'm sorry to hear you're course is having some quality issues when publishing to Review 360! 

  • Have you tried publishing the file to the web or to an LMS to see if it works as expected there?
  • If you hide the comments section in Review 360, does that help the quality?

If you're able to share your file, feel free to connect with our support team to take a look and see if we can replicate the issue!

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