Bug?Video's on a lightbox are playing without opening the lightbox

Sep 18, 2013

Hello Articulate Community,

I ran into a strange bug in one of the projects I was working on. I have a very simple project with 3 slides (introduction, main, and a video).

On the main page I have a button that is set to lightbox a slide with a video on it. The issue is as soon as the user gets to the main page the audio from the video starts playing (video does not appear, the button to lightbox has not been clicked).

I think it's a bug because it only comes in the published state and uploaded to our Halogen ELMS.

Any tips?



3 Replies
Justin Grenier

Good Afternoon, Roger.

For testing purposes, can you please clarify how your video was inserted?  Was it from a file, from a website, from a webcam, or as a web object?

In addition, is the problem reproducible within SCORM Cloud (which is an industry-standard tool for testing SCORM output), or is the problem isolated to your Halogen LMS?

Thanks for the additional details!

Roger Ho

Hello Justin,

The video was recorded a Canon HD camcorder in a .mp4 format, edited and compressed (1 hour 20 minutes). It was inserted as a .wmv file (Limited to using the built-in software to compress at the moment) in the project as a seperate scene.

Instead of lightboxing the slide I have users just directly going to the slide and that seems to fix the issue.

I don't have a SCORM Cloud account but I'll keep that in mind for future testing.



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