Can I change the text color in Modern player in Storyline 360?

Nov 13, 2018


I would like to change the text color to white or a brighter color in the modern player. I like the look and feel, but the text is gray and hard to see on the dark background. I could use the light, but I prefer the dark theme for this module. 

I can update the font and size, but I don't see any options to update the color. 

34 Replies
Katie Riggio

Hi, Allison. Thanks for adding your vote!

No update on this feature yet, but we promise to keep this conversation updated if we make changes in this area. 

Here's how we manage feature requests, and you can also stay in the know on all the new things we're adding to Storyline via our What's New page! 

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Lauren,

With the release of Update 50, the modern player now meets WCAG accessibility guidelines for visual contrast and color so all learners can read the text, decipher the icons, perceive the controls, and navigate easily. Learn more about modern player accessible contrast. 

Please note, we are currently on Build 3.53.25436.0.

The ability to customize the player colors is a feature that is still open with our team, but this conversation is attached so that we can share updates with you here.

Becca Levan

Hello Everyone,

I'm happy to return with some exciting news! 🗞

Storyline 360 Update 54 is here, and it introduces several features and bug fixes! Here's the item you'll be interested in:

New: Customizing the Modern Player Colors.

Just launch the Articulate 360 desktop app on your computer and click the Update button for each application—details here.

Please let us know if you have any questions or reach out to our Support Engineers directly!

Leslie McKerchie

Hello Katelin, and welcome to E-Learning Heroes. 😊

I'd love to understand what issue you're experiencing with the Modern Player. Do you know what version of Storyline you're using? 

  • You can check by going to Help > About Articulate Storyline

Becca shared a new feature in our latest update, which is Build 3.54.25674.0.

Previously, with the release of Update 50, the modern player now meets WCAG accessibility guidelines for visual contrast and color so all learners can read the text, decipher the icons, perceive the controls, and navigate easily. 

Learn more about modern player accessible contrast. 

Nancy Hemenway

This article suggests contrast issues have been solved (not). One of the most important aspects of the player is the next and previous buttons so we don't have to create those for every module.  However, now even with the latest update regarding contrast, the buttons created by the (modern) player meet ONLY the minimum WCAG color contrast in the DARK background format. Companies and organizations that require the triple-A WCAG standard will have to create their own buttons because even with a dark background, the triple-A standard is not met. I use the Colour Contrast Analyser (CCA) 

Maybe I am wrong but my CCA tells me differently, Isn't there a work-around or script of some sort that could be used to enhance the "next and previous" buttons in the Modern player?

TLT Office

I am having the same issue with not being able to change the text color and it seems crazy that over the course of however many years, this has still not been addressed. If I wanted the player color to be gray, I have no way to changing the text color and is nowhere near accessible. It seems like it would be such an easy fix. Is this anywhere in an update roadmap?