Captions and Variables

Aug 26, 2014

I am creating a guided image tour with narration where each slide is its own image. Thee are 10 images and 10 buttons on the first slide that allow users to navigate freely. The users need to be able to see where they've visited, so I am using states on my home slide, which are triggered by a T/F variable. I need to be able to toggle captions on and off from a checkbox on the Home Page slide and not have a CC button on every slide. My problem is, if I change the Slide Properties "When revisiting" field to "reset to initial state", it resets everything on my slide, so users aren't able to track where they've been.

Attached is a simple mockup of my problem. Thanks in advance for any help the community can provide!

6 Replies
Michael Hinze

Have a look at the attached revised file and see if that works for you. I move the Caption selection button to the master slide so that you don't need to set it on each slide. I also created a custom state 'complete' for the image button that is set correctly even if you set the slide properties to Reset to Initial State. Hope that's what you wanted.

Steve Flowers

Hey Jonathan -

I'm not seeing a problem. The T/F variable and checkbox should maintain the same logic state, correct? If you want to make sure the checkbox sets to the state of the T/F variable no matter what, use two triggers to change the state of the object based on the value of the variable:

Jonathan Workman

Hey Steve -

Thanks for your comments. I ran your attached file and the issue I'm having is when I return to the Home Page slide after I've viewed the captions, I can't get the captions to "turn off" when I deselect the captions checkbox. Once I select the captions, they are on for good. I need the checkbox to function as a true toggle for the captions.

Hey Michael -

Looked at your example. Not wanting "Click for Captions" option to appear on every slide...only the first one, so adding it to the Master Slide may not be the best option. Also, in looking at the variable list, I can't see that the "Cap" variable is doing anything to the Captions layer on the Image 1 slide.

I like where you are going with this with regard to the "Return to Initial State," but it is not quite what I need.

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