Click a button that shows a layer on a different slide

Jul 26, 2013

I have placed 2 slides on the attached file, the second slide has a layer and the first one doesn't. I wanted to achieve a possibility of showing the layer of the second slide by clicking the button on the first slide. I did not place the layer on the first slide because I will do something else on that layer. I would appreciate the help.

3 Replies
Dennis Hall

Hi Jerome:

I have not opened your story file, however, here is a possible solution:

  1. Create a true/false variable named ShowLayer - make the default value false
  2. On slide one, create a button that first sets the ShowLayer variable to true, then jumps to slide 2
  3. On slide 2 set a slide trigger that opens the slide layer you want if the ShowLayer variable = true when the timeline starts
  4. On the layer in slide 2, set the ShowLayer variable to false on start of timeline (this will reset it so you can repeat this over and over)

Hope this helps.

EDIT: I just changed your story and attached the working version for you.

Best Regards,

Dennis Hall

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