Completed status shows complete in my SCORM LMS only when user passed

Mar 07, 2017


I am using Articulate storyline 2. I published my course using Report status to LMS as : Passed/Incomplete and tracking as result slide. I also tried Report status to LMS as : Passed/failed and tracking as result slide.

In the above two cases the completed status in my LMS shows complete only when the user passed the course and shows incomplete (thou the user visited all the slides) when user failed.

Am I doing anything wrong? I want the status to show complete when the user visited all the slides and pass or fail depending on the score he achieved.

PS I also want the score to be stored in the LMS

15 Replies
Wendy Farmer

Hi Anudeep

have you tried testing the module in SCORMcloud (industry standard LMS) - that will tell you if it is an issue with SL reporting or a setting in your LMS may need tweaking.

Also, let people know which LMS you are having an issue with - someone may be able to chime in with a solution for you.

Wendy Farmer

Hi Anudeep

I just uploaded a test file to Scormcloud. I failed first attempt and passed second attempt and Scormcloud is recording correctly.

My publish settings are Passed/Failed and I have a JS  trigger to set completion status on exit

However on second test (fail, fail) -it records the fail but not the complete status even with the JS trigger

I'll test with the other publish settings to see if it works

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Thanks Anudeep for uploading your file to our Support team as well. I see that Abel (Case # 01031334 for my reference) is taking a look so I'm going to follow along as he tests the course and can update this forum discussion once he's finished. He'll be in touch via email, so just keep an eye out for an email from 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Anudeep,

It looks like Abel did some additional testing and shared a copy of your Storyline course and a link to where he posted it on SCORM Cloud with the following information:

As mentioned in our forums, Articulate Storyline lets you track a course either by the number of slides viewed or by a single quiz (result slide). Tracking both measurements for the same course isn't supported. Similarly, tracking multiple quiz scores in the same course isn't supported. However, you may be able to track more than one SCO (shareable content object) in a single course using one of the unsupported methods in this article: 

I understand that you want you course to get a completion status regardless if the user passed or fails the assessment. Would it be possible for you to use SCORM 2004 2nd edition as your learning standard and set the reporting to Passed/Incomplete when publishing for LMS? See "Step 5: Choose Reporting and Tracking Options" section of this tutorial to learn how: 

Publishing your course using these settings should allow you to get a completion status in SCORM Cloud regardless is a user passed or fails the quiz.


Please feel free to let Abel or I know if you need any other help with this issue. 

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