Counting down numbers from 4-1 when the user clicks 4 images

May 07, 2014

Think about the Deal or No Deal scenario where the first round of case selections are counted down from say 4 to 1.  E.g., you need to choose 4 cases before the bank will make an offer. 

There are various cases available for the user to click. Though, when the user clicks 1 at random the counter changes from "Select 4 cases," to "Select 3 cases." 

When the user clicks the next case the counter changes from 3 to 2... and so on. 

Any idea of this can/ can't be done? 

Have spent a lot of time trying to sort this out, unfortunately with little light at the end of the tunnel.



4 Replies
Jessica Grembecki

Hi Michael,

Thanks for the quick response! Perfect! It's rather easy to set that up it seems

I have another issue. Not sure if you can help. 

I am trying to change the state of a case after it has been clicked to disabled. FYI each case links to a question that needs to be answered (questions are built linking to correct/ incorrect feedback layers, not inbuilt quizzes).

The issue I'm having is that even though I set, let's say case 1, as disabled once it's clicked, and I have the base layer slide set to save as 'resume saved state,' when the user it redirected to the game board base layer slide, the case is still there :(

Variables shouldn't need to be used for this right?

Sorry if that's a bit convoluted... Hopefully it makes sense!



Michael Hinze

Hi Jessica, with the slide properties set to 'Resume saved state', the disabled states of your cases should 'stick' even if you navigate away from this slide and then return. See attached an updated version of my sample file with one more slide added. When a case on slide 1 is clicked and you then click Next and return, the case is still shown as disabled (grey). Maybe you can share your file or a portion of it) here, so that we can have a closer look.

Jessica Grembecki

Great! Thanks a bunch! 

Someone told me to create variables which I did, and got to work (by fluke) for one case but not the rest. Super difficult process with numerous triggers on triggers on triggers. Have reverted to states and no variables which is working now that I have reordered some of my items

Articulate is fun! Thanks so much for the rapid support! :)


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