Course with no Test, how do I get it to mark as complete?

Aug 24, 2016

I have created a course with no Test, how do I get it to mark as complete only using the exit course button?

10 Replies
Justin Grenier

Good Afternoon, Stephanie!

In the Properties section of the Publish window, click the Tracking field to open the following window, where you can choose how your LMS tracks and reports your learners' progress:

Reporting and Tracking Options

Click the Tracking tab on the left side of the window and choose Track using number of slides viewed, where you can specify how many slides learners need to view in order to complete the course.  Then, click OK to save your changes, publish, and distribute.

Please let us know if you need anything else, and have a great day!

Leslie McKerchie

Hello Kevin - sorry to hear that you ran into this issue as well. I took a look at Stephanie's case to see the resolution and in addition to what was shared here, it seems that she needed to set her tracking for Passed/Failed as well and then it worked as expected.

Have you tried to set-up your tracking by slides viewed as shared in this thread? You did mention that you have a mark as completed button, so the solution shared in this article to report completion on a specific slide may be of assistance to you as well.

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