Course won't mark complete after making minor updates

Aug 26, 2021

I have an Articulate 360 course that undergoes an annual review. I made some minor updates to the file after this year's review and now the course will not mark complete in SCORM Cloud or our pilot LMS (Cornerstone). I did not change any settings.



Mark course complete using triggers 

I have both a "Completed/Passed" and "Exit course" trigger on a button on the final that order, so it should register the completion.

Any reason why this course is not longer marking complete?


4 Replies
Ren Gomez

Hi Daniel,

Based on the details shared, it sounds like the course should be marking completion! Since this isn't working in SCORM Cloud, I'd like to get our support team to lend a hand with testing and provide next steps.

You should be receiving an email with a private upload link. Please share your .story file, and my team will get back to you as soon as they're done testing!

Daniel Carroll

Thanks...I still have not been able to get the course to work with those settings. Changed the setting from using the completion trigger to viewing 100% of the slides and now it's marking complete. I dont get why that would change anything, but since I need this course live tomorrow I'll take it as a band aid for now.

Daniel Carroll

Sorry for you but glad it's just not me! At times the fixes to these things don't make much sense. I've had scenarios in the past where simply replacing the exit button with a new one fixes it or saving my files locally instead of on a shared drive fixes it. Weird stuff.