Display time of the timeline position?

Aug 20, 2013

I am running an app on the iPad using the AMP.

Is there a way to display the timeline progression on the screen of the timeline position (i.e. 3 of 32 sec etc) ?  I have multiple media pieces playing in synch (so chose not to show the media controls on them as I built my own, plus it would show 3 separate control seek timer bars which I do not want) but would like to show the time from the timeline progress as it plays.

Ideally if there were built in variables to show timelineLength, timelinePosition, that would be awesome but don't think they exist.

Thanks for any help.

1 Reply
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Jeff! There is an article about the duration displaying in the Articulate Mobile Player found here.  I'm not sure that is what you are looking for nor am I aware of a way to accomplish this. There is a previous thread here with a lot of similar discussion, but I would be sure to put in a feature request for this.

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