Do you need to add a trigger for Pass or Fail if you have a Results slide? Storyline 360

Nov 22, 2019

Bear with me, because this may be obvious, but I am seeking clarification.

The scenario is simple enough: You have a CBT that ends with a quiz and results slide. Regardless of how the CBT is set up, this results slide calculates and shows the students if they pass or fail. This is in Storyline 360, in case that is relevant.

My question is... do you have to add the "Mark course [pass/fail]" triggers in order for it to be registered in the LMS? I am asking because I assume you have to do this, but I was told that this is unnecessary. I am new to Articulate, so I appreciate anyone that can answer this for me.

Bonus points if you can incorporate a clever pun into your response.

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