Download ALL data before course begins to play???

Jun 03, 2016

Hi everyone.  I've been told by an LMS provider that a Storyline 2 Scorm course  will need to be downloaded in it's entirety before it can begin playing for the user.  I'm pretty sure this is incorrect.  Can someone confirm that the course will start to play before all the data is downloaded to the user's computer?  Thanks.

6 Replies
Julia Koller

Hi Goeffrey, at least for NetDimensions, that does not appear to be true. I launched one of our largest modules (using Chrome), with a Network Activity monitor open. The module began playing while the monitor showed SWFs and audio continuing to be loaded.

I have to wonder if the limitation your provider is telling you about, is something they have put in place for security reasons. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Geoffrey,

I'm with Julia on this one - as here is how Storyline is designed to preload your content.  For videos, we'll also progressively stream them so you don't have to wait for the entire thing to download.

You could look at testing the course in another system such as Scorm Cloud, which is an industry standard for LMS testing to see how it behaves there. This article will walk you through how to test there.

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