Download powerpoint from Mac

Sep 04, 2017

I am running Articulate on a Mac using Parallels, but am having problems uploading my powerpoint presentation.  I cannot find any up to date references on this issue.  Can you advise the best route/solution?



3 Replies
Crystal Horn

Hi there, Karen!  I'll try to help.

It sounds like you're trying to import a PowerPoint presentation into Storyline.  Is your PowerPoint file saved in your Windows environment?  Make sure your PowerPoint is saved or copied to your C: drive in Windows, and then try to import it into Storyline.

Let me know how you're making out!

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Magdalena,

Could you share a screenshot of what you're seeing - I'm not familiar with an error message that would ask where you are. 

If you're trying to access these from the E-Learning Heroes community you will need to log in with an Articulate ID. You are logged in with one to post here, so you'd use the same thing to download the templates.

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