Drag and Drop Issues

Apr 06, 2018

Hi. I am having trouble getting my drag and drop interaction to work. After setting an object to drop on the target (say, Picture 1 to Rectangle 1) and change the layer to correct or incorrect, it oftentimes will automatically make a completely incorrect trigger of Rectangle 1 and an unassigned shape.  The file is attached.  Where it has the "Rectangle 1" trigger, I had selected the second group and made a trigger from that. 

Thank you!

5 Replies
Ryan Derber

Hi Lisa - If I understand correctly, I think you are doing double duty.  Your triggers are overriding the built-in triggers that are part of the drag and drop interaction.  You shouldn't need to build in triggers to show Correct or Incorrect.  You set up the drag item and drop target on the Form View and then when the user clicks on "Submit" it will automatically show them correct or incorrect.  

I've attached your file again with a second slide that I put in.  I used hotspots instead of the rectangle you were using and set up a the drag and drop items and targets for the 3 pictures on the right side.  Once the user performs the actions and clicks Submit, they will get the Correct or Incorrect feedback layer.  

Hopefully this helps.  If I've missed what you were trying to do just let me know and I'll try to assist.

Ryan Derber

Hi Lisa - 

How I would do this is by using a trigger.  First, create a new state for each of your drop items so that there is a Hidden state.  That Hidden state is the absence of that object (so a 'blank' state).  


After that, I would put a trigger on each drop item to say that the state should change once dropped on any of the drop targets (check each drop target in the 'dropped on' box).


Hopefully that makes sense and will work for you.  Feel free to circle back if you still have issues.  

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