Drag and drop score other than 0 and 100

Aug 27, 2019


Is there a new way to get a partial score in a drag and drop exercise (so other than 0 and 100%) ? For example, I have a total of 24 cards that I have to drag and drop in one of the two boxes proposed (18 cards in the first, 6 in the second). If in total there are 19 cards correctly placed, the person should be able to get a score of 79% (19*100/24). Is there a way to make this score appear automatically ?

Thank you

4 Replies
Jerry Beaucaire

Not the way you mean.   Partial credit scoring is a feature request I've sent in as I'm sure have others.

Having said that, you can certainly fake it.   I know this will be cumbersome, but it works...

Instead of having one drag and drop slide with 24 cards, have 24 identical drag and drop slides with 1 box each.  No feedback, so as soon as you drop the box somewhere, make the slide submit itself and move to the next slide with no transition animation.  So when you're done, your 24 individually scoreable drag and drop slides should still "feel" to the user like the one slide you have now.

Give it a shot!  ;)

The additional benefit of this approach is you can easily add/delete cards with minimal fuss after this is all setup.

Jerry Beaucaire

I did a search here on the forums for "partial scoring" and here's a thread with a clever idea to use a "hidden" question slide to leverage the fact that the "Multiple Select" style of question does have a "Score by answer" option not available in the other question types.

Essentially you have to keep track of how many drag and drop question were dropped were correctly, and when the last one is dropped the scene moves to the next "hidden multiple select" question and checks off enough answers to get the number of points they earned in the drag n drop exercise.  Then that hidden slide submits itself and you're on to the next question.

Lot's of great ideas here in the forum.


Bérangère Loiseau

Hello Jerry !
Thank you very much for your very utter answer. I understand that the functionality was requested a lot but that no solution was given by Articulate. I may have tried the method you propose, which seems a little complex but achievable. I had watched the threads but found nothing that was really as I wanted. So, thank you for the link you sent me, I had not seen this one.

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