Error/Bug: Storyline can't do shapes with states anymore

Jun 19, 2023

Howdy Heroes,

I just made a template for a series of courses a few weeks back. Everything worked fine, looked fine, and so on. It was published, test, approved, etc. Now that production and development is beginning, I go to start working on the course, and I find out that some things are not working as they originally did...

This morning, I open the template, go to get to work on development, and then I realize... almost all objects with a state are now broken. 

Here's a breakdown:

  • If I go to click on a object with a state, it might act like it can't be selected.
  • Some objects with states can be selected, but you have to click off to the side of that object. You cannot click on the object if you want to select it. There is nothing in it's shape or state that is off to the side in these areas.
  • Sometimes if you go to resize an object with a state, it will expand itself out in a random direction, usually the opposite direction you're trying to resize it from. Stretching out an object toward the right, might cause it to stretch out left sevenfold.
  • Some objects with states will act like they'll resize, but they'll just stay in their original state after the mouse button is released.
  • A few objects act perfectly fine, specifically only one set of objects for this course: Right-facing pentagons with states. If it's left-facing; broken. If it's a circle; broken. Rectangle; broken.

Now, I found a temporary solution: I just rebuilt everything from scratch, but I really don't like that being a solution, since I believe that should be a last resort option, but it did provide some insight. I rebuilt everything to see if the issue would persist, and luckily it didn't. I can't find what's causing this issue where half or more of the objects with states will go completely bonkers.

Attached you can find a video of me playing around with some of the broken objects, and some objects that I created from scratch that work perfectly fine. Additionally, you can poke around the Storyline file and potentially see it for yourself. I was able to copy and paste the objects and have the same issues across Storyline projects.

I appreciate anyone's time, help, insight, and more!

UPDATE 1 (06/20): As mentioned, my "temporary fix" was just to rebuild all the shapes, buttons, states, etc. from scratch in a separate course and bring them back in. Though when I started developing today, suddenly I was having issues again. I thought it was exclusive to the pentagon arrows today, but it's doing it to all shapes with states again after I just remade the arrows and buttons again.

UPDATE 2 (06/20): I sent the files over to a colleague, and they had the same exact issues - even when recreating shapes. I gave no context other than "Can you see if you can edit these shapes or recreate them?" and we hopped on Zoom and they had the same problems I'm having. 

1 Reply
Eric Santos

Hi Spencer,

Thanks for reporting this in a chat case as well! Those behaviors do sound strange and are a great troubleshooting opportunity for our Support team. I see you've connected with my teammate, Lianne, and they're currently looking into the issue.

Let's continue the conversation in your support case to keep all the information in one place, but I'm happy to assist further as needed!