Exit Course function

Oct 28, 2013

My company is having issues with exiting courses created in Storyline, where when a user clicks a button that runs the Exit Course trigger it takes 2+ minutes for the course window to close. 

This feature works fine on our development environment, so I know the issue is with my company's production environment. I am just wondering what data the course is sending to the server and what steps it is going through when the Exit Course trigger is used. I am hoping that by stepping through the function we can find out where our problem is on the server.

3 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Damian and welcome to Heroes!

The exit course trigger may not be working due to security restrictions in some modern web browsers (such as Firefox) that prevent windows from closing themselves, so the Exit course trigger will not close the browser window. Additional information about that scenario, and other reasons why it may not be working can be found here. 

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