Game Show Interaction: Help!

Dec 02, 2023

I'm working on a game show style interaction where learners guess the average cost of items and get points for accurate guesses. 

I'm stuck. I want to make it so that, once they guess, they can't return to the same item and guess again because when they do, it adds the average cost of the item to the overall total a 2nd, 3rd, 4th time, etc.

Any ideas for how to make this happen? Any advice/feedback in general?

Here's the Review link; SL files below.

Still image of game slide

2 Replies
Michael Hinze

You could try "disabling" the data entry boxes. Put a shape over a data entry field, format the Normal state as needed, and set its initial state to hidden. The add a trigger to the data entry box to change the state of the shape to Normal when data entry file losses focus and its value is not equal to 0.