Having trouble locking an inbuilt menu

Jul 13, 2015

I am trying to setup up an inbuilt menu within a course that users must work through in order. Users cannot click the next topic in the menu until all slides within the previous topic have been viewed. I have managed to set up the topics headings to restrict users from clicking on the next topic but it is not working as i want it to. Currently, if a user clicks a topic and then clicks the previous button to go back to the menu slide the topic is flagged as completed and the next topic heading is made available. I need the users to click through all slides in a topic before this happens.

I have attached an example. Any help, suggestions would be great! 

5 Replies
Wendy Farmer

Hi Maree

I am not seeing the completed state you are referring to you above.  The visited state in SL is a default state when you click the topic 1 button it is considered visited.  You would need to create a new 'Completed' state that you could add variables and triggers to.  See attached if this helps you. I have created a new 'completed state' with a tick but you could use your red dot and attach that to the new state. I have deleted the visited state of button 1 with its red dot just so you can see the difference with topic 1 and topic 2.

I have added a variable to the last slide of Topic 1 as an example of how it may work for you.

Shout out if you need more help

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