Help, how to create a Course Menu to jump to other courses?

May 12, 2014

Hello all,

I wish an urgent help on how to create a course MENU or HOW TO JUMP FROM A COURSE TO ANOTHER COURSE?

This would be a course with inside buttons to trigger the launch of other courses (in different languages) so the user enters one course and select his own language that launches another vourse.

( I once did this with Captivate, from the end of a course, it would directly link to the second course)

I thought I would :

1-create a course "Menu" project,

2 -add the (language) buttons and use the "jump to URL/File" trigger to launch the other courses.

3- publish the course MENU

4- publish all the other courses

5- place them in the same folder?

6- update the links of the buttons in the course MENU (which links to use? story.html??) and re-publish it...??... s not working.... 

i found this but it s not really helping:

please any help welcome!

Which path should I enter for the trigger in the "jump to url" field?

Is it the proper trigger action I am adding?

any other idea? thanks a lot!

please any help welcome!


5 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Julie,

I'm not sure I'm understanding from your images alone how you've set it up to link to the other courses. I'd suggest by first publishing each of the language courses and hosting them on a server - once you have that URL you can add it as a link to your menu course either to the buttons or within the Resource tab and then publish that version and place it within a server (or your LMS) and test out how it behaves. From your second image, it also looks like you've linked to a zipped file and a URL? You'll want to link to the URL where the course is hosted instead of the zipped publish output. 

Tracking multiple SCOs is not something we can offer support for, although there are a few options you may want to look into within this article. 

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