Help! I just finished creating my first course, looks great on my computer but no one else can view it...........

Mar 19, 2016

...  I, mistakenly I think, thought that once it was in html I could just share the link.  Now, upon further reading, I need to upload it to a web server which I don't have.  I thought I could maybe use my website Weebly, but according to their website, they are not set up to do FTP.  Any ideas?  When I first learned Articulate I was a student and needed to upload to a LMS so I wasn't aware of this "road block".  Any ideas would be appreciated.  I am self-employed and buying Articulate pretty well shot my budget so I'm looking for an inexpensive option. 


12 Replies
julia collins

Hi Kim

Congrats on completing your first course.

you could share your course using Google drive or dropbox.

Instructions here

Or alternatively publish to cd and give users the cd

hope this helps you

There are also many other options sush as amazons3 and tempshare


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