Help! Need to figure out how to have location count as visited after timeline ends

Sep 08, 2020

I am new to using Storyline and am trying to create a scenario where a learner has to click on different areas to identify issues they may encounter before moving to the next screen.  My challenge right now is that as they click on the last area on the screen it skips showing the layer with the callout explaining why that area is a problem they need to be aware of and goes straight to the final layer where the character tells them they identified all the areas. 

I set the transparent images to identify as "visited" when the timeline ended, but then the final layer with the character never pops up.

Can someone please help a newbie with this issue?


3 Replies
Dane James

Richard, the first thing I did was create the number variable "Visited" and set the default value @10.

I then went on each slide layer and created a trigger (add value 1 to the variable "Visited" when the timeline starts), so when you visit each layer 1 is added. You probably should change the trigger to "When timeline ends" because when you view the last layer you don't see the message, it jumps right to the finished layer.

On the Base Layer Airport, I added a trigger that says (Show Layer Visited when visited changes if visited= value 15) When you visit the layer  and it closes the

On Airport I added a text box and then inserted the reference for Visited so I could see the count and make sure it was working correctly.

Hope this helps.

If you need more help you can email me. Happy to help.

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