Help with audio's in triggers

Aug 21, 2013

I have inserted some audio within TRY IT slides, which for most has worked fine, but I have 2 slides where the learner has to type in text and click on the Submit button, my trigger for audio is: Once user clicks Submit and is correct answer they will hear the audio, but this is not working.

Can anyone help?

9 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Ellen,

I played with this in my own file, and made you an example - since you only wanted the audio to play on a correct answer here is what I did.

Set the media to play, when the user clicks submit if textentry1 is equal to ashley

Once the media completes, to submit interaction

I also set up a trigger if they got the wrong answer, to submit the interaction if textentry1 is not equal to ashley.

I've attached my example here. Let me know if that helps! 

Ellen Ben Abba

Hi Ashley,

I am still having an issue with Sound Triggers in my Try It slides, it's working for some but not all slides, and they all have the same type of triggers on them as far as I can see.

When I preview each individual slide it works fine, and as soon as I preview the Scene or Publish and watch back, only some of the sound triggers can be heard.

So the aim is for when the correct hotspot is click on, a 'Ting' is heard.

Here's another

And another

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Thanks Ellen - I see Jayem was able to isolate this to the triggers you had set up, as on some slides there was a jump to slide, after the play media slide and there wasn't enough time for the media to finish. He suggested replacing your "jump to next slide" trigger with a "jump to slide when media completes" trigger to solve the problem. Let us know if you need anything else! 

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